Serving our Community Together
We aren’t in this thing alone, and we know it! Thus we thrive on our collaborative connections with Bethany College, Bethany Lutheran Church, and others in our community, working together to do good work in the world.
The City of Lindsborg is rich with connections, many woven together through years of history dating back to the very inception of our community.
We value the work we do with others in our community including Bethany College, Bethany Village, Bethany Lutheran Church, The Associated Churches of Lindsborg, and many others!
The Dala Pantry and Summer Lunch Program and two ministries that spring directly from Messiah Church but are only successful due to the involvement and support of the greater community.
A partnership of Messiah Lutheran Church and Bethany College, The Dala Pantry is a food bank housed within the walls of our church. Inspired by Luke 24:30, Take bread, give thanks!, we annually serve over 1100 households in the Smoky Valley region. A project that began during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Dala Pantry has become an integral part of the Lindsborg community. Churches, organizations and individuals within Lindsborg and the surrounding area support the Dala Pantry financially, and folks from all over town volunteer their time and energy to keep it in operation.
Feeding hungry people is our thing! Messiah Church also hosts the Summer Food Service Program each school year. In partnership with the Kansas Department of Education, we provide lunch throughout the summer for youth in our community. On any given weekday in the summer, you may pop into our Fellowship Hall around noon and see dozens of kids, some with their families, and 8 or so volunteers from local churches sharing a meal together. In 2024, we served over 6000 meals! While the meals happen within our building, we couldn’t do this without the partnership of our Smoky Valley community.
If you you’d like to learn more about these ministries, or find out how you can get more connected with the good work being done and our dreams for more, please give us a shout using the form below!
Want to help?
If you’d like to get involved, learn more, or have a great idea for the common good of our community, let us know!